2020 Protests took place because of the death of George Floyd, who was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes. After the altercation protests began first at Minneapolis police station and within a matter of days, world wide.
Problem: Find a location with a backstory and create a design that the target audience can interact with
Insight: The Location chosen was Hyde Park with the backstory of the protests being held specifically the London protest held on 3rd June 2020.
Solution: Projection mapping against the Marble Arch which shows an animation of a poem about the 'Black Lives Matter' movement. This will then lead the target audience into Hyde Park where there will be a memorial dedicated to the cause.
The Solution
Idea 1 was about using projection mapping to show an animation about the movement onto Marble Arch as it is opposite Hyde Park. Additionally, it would draw a lot of attraction, especially with Oxford Street near by. Idea 2 features 3 podiums with information about BLM. On the Floor will be the outline of three bodies with red splats to show injuries - these will represent the people that have been targeted and died because of the injust system.
Wayfinding Materials
Created to make it easier for the audience to find their way to the park from Marble Arch.
A visualisation of the Park memorial held in Hyde Park. It will hold a screen featuring the animation and 3 pillars with information about the movement - the pillar in the middle is dedicated to people who have lost their lives. There is a podium where people can come up and say poems or give powerful speeches. The memorial will also include markings on the ground where people can take a knee and pay their respects.
Post Experience Visualisation
Social Media pages will be created dedicated to the memorial with trending # people can use to spread the word and increase attraction.
The aim is to gain more awareness towards the movement and encourage the public to get involved and make a change. The QR codes on the podiums will lead the audience to a website where they can see ways they can help.