Welcome to the Gala Land!
Step right up to the world of Gala bingo wear vintage charm meets bold modern fun! With the playful mix of bright colours and quality assets this brand is all about bringing the joy of bingo to life.
Tombola bingo machine

Gala bingo wanted a new design for their bingo promotions page. I decided to go with a vintage tombola machine which I designed through Illustrator. Then I converted these parts into 3D objects to import them into Adobe dimensions to make it into a 3D asset. Amendments and background features were added using Adobe Photoshop. Below I have attached screenshots of the design process.

Lunchtime Bingo

New promotional for Gala bingo lunchtime creative. With the help of a 3D designer, who created the actual vending machine , I was able to create the packaging that was going to go inside to represent meal deal lunchtime.
Juice box packaging

Crisps packaging

Sandwich packaging

Themed Key Visuals

Valentines day Movie night themed visual

Winter special themed visual that featured winter clothes

These are new Christmas gradient backgrounds using the Gala colour palette