Sickle Cell is a serious and long-life health condition that affects the red blood cells. It’s mostly common in people with an African/Caribbean descent. I believe this subject is not paid enough attention or given enough awareness considering how serious it is. I, myself, am guilty of knowing about the disease and yet not having the urge to do something to help.
Insight: S.C.R.E.A.M (Sickle Cell Reach Equal Awareness Movement) is a not-for-profit collective, dedicated to generating content specifically targeted toward raising awareness for Sickle Cell Disease. Their tone of voice subverts the norms of medical campaigns by taking a youthful, vibrant approach.
Solution: This project dives into creating that awareness and giving sickle cell patients a platform for their voice. It’s a condition that’s affected by multiple communities but in this instance I’ve used the SCREAM organization to focus on educating teens (aged 15-16) right before they are at the age of being able to donate blood.
Advertising Posters
For my primary research, I decided to speak to sickle cell warriors and gain an understanding of their lifestyle and their thoughts and feelings. These advertising posters are based on thoughts and feelings of sickle cell patients.

Main Campaign Video
Advertising Posters
These advertising posters are based on urging the audience to ‘not disappear’ and forget the campaign but to get active and LOUD. I decided to showcase how the posters would look in a school environment.

Warrior Flower
The ‘Warrior flower’ is a symbol of support for the Sickle Cell movement. It’s based on a Gladiolus flower which symbolizes strength of a person’s character, remembrance, faithfulness, and sincerity. This flower represents the sickle cell community; having the strength and courage to fight this constant battle every day. They deserve the name ‘Warriors’. This pin is to support all the warriors out there.

Social Media
To reach teens specifically we will be pushing advertising through popular platforms like Instagram and TikTok. The organization has merchandise like water bottles that can be purchased in support of the movement. They use their platform to engage with users through Instagram Lives hosting different topics each week and showing behind the scenes content.

TikTok Adverts
I created my own content that could featured on TikTik through advertising. I made a 15 second version of the campaign video and a capcut video featuring behind the scenes content for SCREAM's Instagram page.
Commercial Potential
To show the campaigns commercial potential I created a 1 minute video advertising the campaign and used their merchandise as the focus. The video is based on a short poem I had written for the campaign.